Top 5 Mistakes to avoid with Website DIY

Hey, passionate coaches out there!

Eager to design your coaching website and step up your digital game? That's awesome, but before you dive into the wild world of web design, let's talk about some common pitfalls.

Here's a look at the top 5 mistakes made while DIY-ing coaching websites and how to avoid them.

Being Vague About Your Niche

You're a coach. Great! But what kind of coach? Life, career, wellness, business, executive, sports? The list is endless! One common mistake is failing to clearly define your coaching niche. Visitors should understand exactly what you offer within seconds of landing on your site. Avoid this mistake by highlighting your specific coaching niche, your target audience, and what unique value you bring to the table right on your homepage.

Neglecting Your 'About Me' Page

People want to connect with a real person, not a faceless brand. The 'About Me' page is a golden opportunity to share your journey, your credentials, and your coaching philosophy. Too many coaches breeze through this page, but it's your chance to build trust and authenticity. Make it personal, make it engaging, and make sure to include a professional headshot.

Failing to Include Testimonials

Sure, you can talk about how great your coaching services are, but nothing convinces potential clients like glowing testimonials from satisfied customers. Many DIYers overlook this crucial element. Start collecting testimonials as early as possible and dedicate a part of your site to display these success stories. It's powerful social proof and could be the push that a potential client needs to choose you as their coach.

Forgetting a Call to Action

So, someone's interested and has browsed your site – what's the next step? Too often, coaching websites don't have clear calls to action (CTAs). Whether it's a "Book a free consultation," "Download my coaching brochure," or "Sign up for my newsletter," make sure you include a clear, inviting CTA on every page to guide visitors to the next step in their journey with you.

Ignoring Mobile Compatibility

With more people browsing the web on mobile devices, your website needs to look good and function well on screens of all sizes. Overlooking mobile compatibility is a common blunder. Avoid it by ensuring your site is responsive, meaning it automatically adjusts to look great on any device. Most modern website builders have this functionality built-in, so make sure it's activated.


Designing your coaching website is an exciting step!

With these pointers in mind, you can avoid common pitfalls and create a powerful, impactful website that accurately represents you and your coaching services.

Happy designing!

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