What Are The Benefits Of An Online Scheduler?

The Benefits of an online scheduler

If you're still running your coaching business manually, you're putting a great deal of unnecessary stress on yourself and limiting the time you have with clients.

But it's something you can turn around pretty quickly by using technology to your advantage.

Online scheduling is one of the easiest ways to start automating your admin and communication with current and future clients and it doesn't require you or your clients to have any tech knowledge.

So let's talk about how an online scheduler can help take your coaching business to the next level.

What is an online scheduler?

An online scheduler is super simple. It shows potential clients a calendar of your availability and lets them choose a time that suits them.

You add your availability at your end and when a potential client clicks the link for your online scheduler, they can see the days and times that you still have free.

What can an online scheduler do for your coaching business?

You didn't become a coach to spend all your time doing admin, right?

Using an online scheduler helps you streamline your coaching business and spend less time working "in" your business. You'll have more time to work with clients instead of slaving over emails.

Here's what an online scheduler can do for you:

  • Saves you time when booking clients. Booking discovery calls and coaching sessions is a breeze with an online scheduler. Clients can choose a time and book it without having to contact you directly. No more emailing back and forth with clients to find a mutually convenient time!
  • Sets boundaries. It can be so easy to fall into the trap of booking yourself solid and not giving yourself a work-life balance. The beauty of an online scheduler is that you have the power and control to dictate when you're available for clients to book and you can make sure you only work healthy hours. Think of it as a way to automate your boundaries as well as your appointments!
  • Fewer no-shows. Online schedulers send automatic confirmation emails and appointment reminders so there's far less chance that clients will forget to show up for your appointment.
  • Ability to collect payments. Some online schedulers have built-in payment platforms so you can collect deposits or have clients pay in full when they book. This saves you from having to bill clients directly and chase up invoices.
  • Ability to sell blocks of coaching. With some online schedulers, you can also sell coaching packages. This makes it easy to book clients for a block of sessions without lots of hassle.
  • You look professional. Using an online scheduler gives your clients a high-end customer experience, especially if you're using one that also takes payments and onboards new clients.

Which online schedulers can work for you?

There are lots of different online schedulers to pick from and a lot will depend on what you want yours to do. We've rounded up our top picks here.

It's always tempting to choose solely on price grounds but that won't necessarily give your clients a great experience. Make sure you go for an online scheduler that's user-friendly and flexible enough to meet your needs as your coaching business grows, as well as being budget-friendly

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