Ebook Template for Coaches (1)

Download The Ultimate
Health Coaching Content Kit

Build your online presence with ease and get clear in your coaching business so that you can hit your business goals!

This amazing Done-For-You Content Kit is everything you need to start your business online when it comes to the content you need to write. Your kit includes: 

  • Website Template COpywriting

    Website Copywriting Template

    VALUE AT OVER $400

    A complete 10 page template with all the words for your website professionally written for you, totalling 1870 words. The perfect time-saving way to start your website content or rewrite it. Perfect for any health & wellness coach looking to have a professionally written website for free! Simply fill in the blanks. 

  • Email templates

    Email Copywriting Templates

    VALUE AT OVER $200

    Professionally written by a copywriter, these email templates are ideal for when you need to follow up. Whether it's following up after a free call to convert them as a client, following up after a contract is sent, or following up after they sign up with a complete welcome pack, this template is for you!

  • Coaching challenge

    Done For You Coaching Challenge

    VALUE AT OVER $150

    Build your following with ease, with this completely Done-For-You Healthy Morning Rituals coaching challenge or mini program. Grow your mailing list, your Facebook Group or social following by running a coaching challenge with images and content designed and written for you. 

  • Ebook Template for Coaches

    Ebook Template for Wellness Coaches

    VALUED AT $80

    A beautifully designed Ebook Template that can be used for ebooks, guides, handouts and more. This Canva template gives you a perfect base to create your next (or first!) ebook with ease. Simply edit the content, save, download and use in your coaching business. 

  • The Design Checklist

    Bonus Website Design Checklist

    The ideal checklist when it comes to ensuring you have all the elements in place when it comes to designing the perfect health & wellness coaching website. Optimize your online presence so that you can grow your business online with ease. 

  • Home Page Content Planner

    Bonus Home Page Content Planner

    The most important page on your website, the home page! This is your first impression so it's imperative to get it right and have the right content on there. This handy bonus gives you the exact structure for a home page and what you need on there. 

Get this resource, valued at over $750, for FREE!

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